原谅我没有进行分类, 严肃的数学书籍, 严肃的文学书籍, 轻小说, 技术书籍, 乃至galgame等都散列在一起. 唯一可以肯定的是, 这些书籍都给我带来了很多的快乐.
- Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces & Linear Algebra Problem Book
- Naive Set Theory
- Linear Algebra (Hoffman & Kunze)
- Analysis (Godement)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- 池袋西口公园
- 痴人之爱 & 食蓼之虫
- 十三夜 (樋口一叶著, 林文月译)
- 枕草子 (林文月译)
- 菊与刀
- 文学少女
- 波上的魔术师
- 圣母在上
- 消费社会
- 象征交换与死亡
- 发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人: 论波德莱尔
- 游戏的人 (Homo Ludens)
- 中世纪的秋天
- 意识形态的崇高客体
- Essentials of Programming Languages
- 美利坚物语 & 法兰西物语
- 魔法使之夜
- 动物化的后现代
- The Little Schemer
- 游戏性写实主义的诞生
- The CRPG Book
- The Seasoned Schemer
- The Reasoned Schemer
- Software Design for Flexibility
- 春与修罗
- 魔法科高校的劣等生
- 富岳百景 & 越级申诉 & 如是我闻
- Proofs and Types
- 文化模式
- 人虎传 & 山月记
- 近月少女的礼仪
- 柠檬 & 樱花树下
- 银河铁道之夜
- LearningZIL
- Category Theory (Steve Awodey)
- Computation Structures
- Building Problem Solvers
- 力学概论
- 数学的建筑
- A Survey of Modern Algebra
- Beginning Mathematical Logic
- Exercises in Analysis (Part 1)
- ML for the Working Programming
- Purely Functional Data Structures
- Programming in Standard ML
- Semantics Engineering with PLT Redex
- Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism
- Algebra: Chapter 0
- Category Theory (Steve Awodey)
- Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism
- The Little Typer
网页收藏 (待读列表?)
- UniversalType in Standard ML
- An Introduction to Redex with Abstracting Abstract Machines
- Checking Dependent Types with Normalization by Evaluation: A Tutorial